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Instructor: April Redin

Instructor: April Redin

West Virginia is tackling the national teacher shortage by developing the Grow Your Own Teaching Pathway, and the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute is excited to be part of the initiative. At MOVTI, students have the opportunity to earn college credits while gaining classroom experience and developing the skills necessary for effective teaching in the 21st century. During their time in this program, students have the opportunity to gain real classroom experience while completing more than 100 hours of field placement hours in a local elementary school.

What You Will Learn:

You will develop skills needed by teachers in today's classrooms including: critical thinking, communication collaboration, creativity, flexibility, media and technology literacy, etc. You will gain knowledge in areas such as: classroom management and instruction, educational theories, learning styles, classroom diversity, child development, social-emotional intelligence, etc.

What You Can Earn:

• EDUC 1306: Introduction to Education and the Classroom (3 credit hrs)

• EDCU 1307: Introduction to Child Development (3 credit hrs)

• EDUC 1308: Introduction to Educational Physiology (3 credit hrs)

• EDUC 1309: Introduction to Social-Emotional and Behavioral Wellness (3 credit hrs)

• Universal Precautions, Mandated Reporter Training, First Aid, CPR

Career Opportunities:

With Additional Post-Secondary Education

• Early childhood teacher (Pre-School-K)

• Elementary Classroom Teacher

• Secondary Classroom Teacher