Automotive Technology


Kevin Burns

Instructor: Kevin Burns

The Automotive Technology program helps students to achieve the skills needed for entry-level employment as an automotive technician, work in automotive parts, fleet service or someday own their own auto repair business. The Automotive mechanical operations and the repair of all components of cars and light trucks. Hand and power tool use is taught as well as the theory of operations of the various systems of vehicles including computer systems.

What You Will Learn:

• Fundamentals: Automotive specifications, electrical system basics, battery service, wheel and tire service, cooling and lubrication systems, diagnosis of cylinder head and valve train, diagnosis and repair of engine block, diagnosis and repair of lubrication and cooling systems.

• Electrical: General electrical diagnosis, battery diagnosis and service, starting system diagnosis and repair, information system diagnosis and repair.

• Transmission: manual/automatic drive train and axle systems, clutch diagnosis and repair, manual transaxle diagnosis and repair, universal and constant-velocity joint, ring and pinion gears and differential case assembly, four-wheel drive/all-wheel drive component

What You Can Earn:

National: S/P2 Safety, ASE Student Certification.

Local: Jack & Lift safety, Scan tool familiarization, Tire mounting & balancing

Career Opportunities:

Immediate Employment

  1. Entry Level Automotive Technician

  2. Fleet Service Technician 

  3. Automotive Service Writer

  4. Automotive Parts Sales  

With Additional Training & Education

  1. Industrial Maintenance Mechanic

  2.  Small Engine/Power Sports Repair Technician

  3. Mechanical Engineer 

  4. NASCAR Pit Crew