Andrew Dobbins

Second year MOVTI automotive student, Andrew Dobbins, was recognized by the mayor of the Town of Ellenboro for his hard work during the 2021 RCHS football season. 

"Whereas, December 14th, 2021 is ANDREW DOBBINS day in THE TOWN of ELLENBORO, WV. 

Whereas, Andrew Dobbins is a student at Ritchie County High School and is a positive representative of his school, The Town of Ellenboro and Ritchie County. 

Whereas, Andrew Dobbins has developed into a gifted kicker through his hard work, grit, determination and fortitude. 

Whereas, Andrew Dobbins is an important part of the Ritchie Rebel Football Team helping them win the 1st Class A State Championship making history in Ritchie County! 

Now, Therefore: I, Steven W. Lewis, As Mayor of The Town of Ellenboro do hereby proclaim December 14, 2021 as


Andrew's automotive instructor and fellow Ritchie County resident, Kevin Burns, said of Dobbins, "Andrew is a joy to have in class. He always takes class seriously and is always looking for something to do around the shop to keep busy. I think Andrew inspires other students to do well in class."

MOVTI administration, faculty and staff would like to congratulate Andrew! Way to go, we are proud of you!