
     The MOVTI Carpentry Program was asked by a retired veteran about an idea to plan and build a weapon/bugle stand for the Honor Guard of the VFW Post 5108 in Marietta, Ohio. The need for this arises from having to set their weapons and bugle against tomb stones or lay them on the ground while they stand graveside at a soldier’s memorial service.

        After brainstorming Mr. Becker, MOVTI Carpentry & Building Maintenance Instructor, created the blueprint.  Mr. Sims, MOVTI Welding Instructor, cut the metal and the Carpentry students were able grind and sand the metal to prep for welding. The Welding students completed the welding on this project.

     Our first year Carpentry students cut out the top of the stand and flag pieces, they routered, sanded, used a torch to burn the wood to make the grain stand out, and painted.  All stencils were created and cut using a laser engraver by Mrs. Archer and the Drafting Program.  Mrs. Archer drew the military symbols by hand and then Drafting students were able to translate the drawing into AutoCAD and these were engraved using the laser engraver.     Mr. Becker was able to put all of this hard work and collaboration together into a fabulous finished product!

    Thank you to all veterans for your service and sacrifices to protect our families, our country, and our freedom!