Students from the Law & Public Safety Program tested their use of force continuum knowledge and baton skills against the Red Man Suit. A special thanks to 2nd year student Colt Lutz for suiting up.

Students from Mrs. Redin's Grow Your Own (GYO) Future Educators teacher preparation program visited St. Marys Elementary School to do classroom observations. This will help prepare GYO students for their field placement during the spring semester.

Even as we are nearing the end of our first semester, students are still working hard! #thisisCTE #CTErocks

It's welding certification season at MOVTI!
Tatem Elliott (senior, Ritchie), Hunter Huggins (senior, Tyler Consolidated), Dalton America (senior, Tyler Consolidated) passed their SMAW welding test! #preparingforthefuture #workforceready #collegeready #wvdecte #movtiworks

Senior Welding students, Austin VanCamp (Left, TC) and Peyton Lowther (Right, TC) are pictured with welding instructor, Mike Sims. Both students successfully passed their SWAW certification.

Several AM Welding students completed their OSHA 10 certification! Many unions and businesses require their employee to earn their OHSA 10. So, by completing this course and earning this certification during high school, students who plan to directly enter the workforce are already one step ahead!

Check out our very own Brayden Whited and other MOVTI Medical Professions students (green and teal scrubs) in this highlight of the Washington County Career Center Career Fair!

Advanced Medical students RCHS Andrew Freeland, Quentin Owens, Ethan Haught, Ivy Hogue completed requirements for their OSHA-10 certification. Also pictured, students practicing "feeding a patient" on fellow classmates. Students are currently learning about nutritional needs of patients.

Mr. Bunch has been working with 7th and 8th graders at Ritchie County Middle School. Students are introduced to AutoCad software and have learned how to complete coordinate drawings. Their designs will be engraved for Christmas ornaments.

Law & Public Safety students toured the Old West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville, WV to learn about the history of Corrections and its role in the Criminal Justice System.

We <3 when our students earn certifications at the MOVTI! Teagan Hunt, junior from SMHS, passed her Adobe Certified Professional in Graphic Design and Illustration using Adobe Illustrator!

Hey, today was Career Day at the MOVTI! Individuals from a variety of companies and schools spent their day at MOVTI today to share information about their school, workplace, their job, and the education and skills that are required for success! Thank you to all who came to share their time and knowledge with our students!

Certified! Graphic Design student, Ada Chen (junior, RCHS) passed the Adobe Certified Professional test in Graphic Design and Illustration today!
Adobe Certified Professional is the industry-recognized certification that demonstrates mastery of Adobe Creative Cloud software and must-have knowledge for digital media careers.

On Thursday, November 10th MOVTI Automotive and Diesel students tour the University of Northwestern Ohio campus. While they were there, they got to see High Performance, heavy and light duty diesel, Automotive and their motorsports programs.

Graphic Design students spent time with St. Marys Elementary second graders to help them create holiday cards for U.S. troops. Veterans, & Military Families. The cards will be mailed later this month for the Military Holiday Card Challenge.

Health Occupations Students attended Fall Leadership Conference for HOSA in Morgantown, WV on November 9-10. While attending, students had the opportunity to network with students from across WV that are also involved with HOSA as well as FBLA, FCCLA and Educators Rising. They also heard from keynote speaker, Eddie Slowikowski, who inspired attendees to strive to “be the best you.”

More certifications! Ritchie County High School students, Tucker Sammons and Sarah Sprouse, completed their OSHA 10 certification.

Chance Rine from Tyler County completed his Osha 10 Certification, Chance is a junior in the Chem Tech program. Congratulations!

Last Friday, MOVTI Graphic Design and Multimedia Publishing students visited Marietta College for their Fine Arts Visit Day. Students got to participate in several hands-on art activities and visit a resource fair to learn more about Marietta College's programs and student life.

Drafting students designed and built a chair out of cardboard paper rolls. Their design was sturdy enough to be sat on. Mr. Bunch approves!