Tyler Consolidated senior, Austin VanCamp, passed his welding certification in shielded metal arc with back strip today. Congratulations! He is pictured with welding instructor, Mike Sims.

Mr. Becker's carpentry students built and installed benches at Pleasants County Middle School this morning. The old benches were removed and replaced with pressure treated lumber and composite boards. They will last for many years to come! #thisisCTE #WVDECTE #MOVTI

We would like to wish a happy Administrative Professionals' Day to our very own-- Teresa Knight! We can't thank you enough for everything you do to keep this place running so smoothly!

Another great collaboration project! Students worked together to complete a beautiful sign for the Harrisville Municipal Park in Ritchie County.
The welding department cut the letters with a plasma cutter while carpentry students built and finished the sign frame. Great job!

Mr. Becker and his Building Maintenance and Operations students are mixing, pouring and finishing concrete to complete a drainage system for MOVTI. Learning skills and applying them in a real-world setting!

Payton Lowther (TC) and Hunter Huggins (TC) passed their 6G Pipe 6010 certification test. Congratulations!

Thank you to Valley High School for visiting our school today. We hope you will make MOVTI part of your future plans!

Graphic Design students recently completed a project collaboration with Wild, Wonderful Healthy Pleasants County. Students printed and assembled 1,000 resource guides for the county with the help of committee members. The guides will be available at various locations throughout Pleasants County.

Drafting students have been busy with various projects this week. Students have been working on cereal box designs, vinyl stickers for Welding and a custom engraved baseball shelf.

We are back from Spring Break, and we are back to work!
Students in the Second Year Law & Public Safety Program conducted a mock trial of a college fraternity hazing that caused a girl's death. Students from other programs served as jurors and decided the case.

WVU-P BIO 109 students are busy dissecting pig hearts today. By using a pig heart, students are able to observe the major chambers, valves, and vessels of the heart. A pig heart is used because it is very similar to the human heart in structure, size, & function.

Sophomores from Magnolia High School visited us today. During their tour, students were able to pick three program areas of interest to visit and participate in hands-on activities with instructors and students.
Thank you and we hope you will make the MOVTI part of your future plans!

MOVTI students represented well at SkillsUSA West Virginia State Leadership and Skills Conference! We are so proud of all of our students who stepped out of their comfort zone to compete. It takes GUTS!
Congratulations to the following students who brought home some hardware!
Gold- Austin VanCamp (TC) - Welding Sculpture
Silver- Erica Perry (MHS)- Criminal Justice
Silver- Levi McKenna (RC), Ada Chen (RC) - Television/Video Production
Silver- Tatem Elliott (RC) - Welding
Bronze- Andy Greathouse (RC) - Diesel Equipment Technology

Working hard on day 2 of competitions!
Awards ceremony is this evening at 6:30pm. We will share the livestream link for those who would like to watch!

"Educators Rising West Virginia is a Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) dedicated to inspire high school students to serve their communities by entering the field of education."
Last week, four students from MOVTI attended the spring Educators Rising WV Leadership Conference in Canaan Valley. Students participated in educational workshops, watched public speaking competitions, and made friends from schools across the state. Our Future Educators plan to enter competitions during next year's conference.
Shynecka Simmons (Wetzel), Brooklyn Thompson (Wetzel), Mary Morrison (Pleasants), Ryleigh Haught (Pleasants) were the students who attended this year's conference with instructor, April Redin.

Great first day at the SkillsUSA West Virginia State Leadership & Skills Conference!

Students from MOVTI's Law and Public Safety and SMHS's Forensics class spent the last two days learning about The Tyler County Emergency Management's Search and Rescue team. On day one, they covered topics such as man tracking, which included finding and measuring footprints, measuring gaits, finding and preserving evidence and tracking by using canines. Day two included public safety and UAS drones. They were shown means of tracking a moving suspect, thermal packets and payload drops.

25 MOVTI students from computer repair, carpentry, welding, automotive, diesel and graphic design are headed to the SkillsUSA Skills and Leadership Conference in Fairmont, WV. We would like to thank the businesses who partnered with us! The money donated helped cover hotel rooms and meals for our competitors. "Preparing tomorrow's workforce, today."

We would like to recognize students who participate in an extracurricular activity during the spring season. Students are encouraged to wear a shirt, sweatshirt or jersey representing their team, group or club to participate in the picture.

Zack Russel (SM) passed his certification test in Tig Root 7018, fill and cap
Harley Stewart (SM) passed his certification test in GMAW (mig)