Things are kicking off to a great start! MOVTI students are learning and working on new activities for this semester!
over 3 years ago, Ella Smith
Things are kicking off to a great start! MOVTI students are learning and working on new activities for this semester!
over 3 years ago, Ella Smith
Kicking off the school year right! Students were treated to hot dogs and Kona Ice.
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog
kona ice
kona ice 2
kona ice 34
We are looking forward to having our Tech or Treat again this year! Stayed tuned for more updates. If your business would like to be involved, please contact MOVTI at 304-684-2464 or email
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
tech or treat
We are getting started with Simulated Workplace at the MOVTI! Badge pictures will be taken this week for our AM and PM completers.
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
We are SO happy to be back! The MOVTI welcomed students from RCHS and TCHS today. We are looking forward to seeing SMHS, MHS and PCHS soon!
over 3 years ago, Lydia Colvin
MOVTI students Jayden Holt and Madeline Tarnecki represented MOVTI, as well as RCHS and TCHS, at the 2021-2022 West Virginia State Officer Training last week. Jayden is the HOSA State President for the 2021-22 school year and Madeline will serve as Secretary/Historian for West Virginia! At the training, they planned for the Fall and Spring HOSA Leadership Conference, set up communication between HOSA Chapters, learned Parliamentary procedure and how to run meetings. This is a huge accomplishment for the girls and the MOVTI Chapter of HOSA. Mr. Neil Morehead, our Emergency Medical and Diagnostic Services instructor, our WV HOSA Secondary Advisor of the Year, is pictured with the girls.
over 3 years ago, Chastity Bunch
HOSA reps
HOSA officers
MOVTI director, Ryan Haught, and SMES principal, Tammy Haught, painting the SMES gate that our welding program fabricated. No job too small for the bosses!
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
MOVTI is looking for substitute teachers for the 2021-22 school year. Please visit the link below for the posting and employment application.
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
Adult welding classes are being offered this fall!
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
adult welding
Good things continue to happen at the MOVTI: On June 28, 2021, the School Building Authority of West Virginia approved a multi-county / statewide grant award for the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute in the amount of $353,198.00 for facility renovations. The project scope this grant will be used for is to replace the dust collection system in the carpentry / building grounds and operations program area, with a modern and updated new system consisting of the dust collector, spark suppression system, a new make-up air unit and new duct work and drops. All components of the new system will bring the dust collection system up to meeting all current facility codes.
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
The MOVTI recently purchased a Ford Transit Passenger Van for the purpose of transporting students to off campus career and technical learning opportunities such as internships, job shadowing, health clinical, on-the-job training, industry field-trips, certification exams, college visits, and student competitions. The MOVTI is working to increase the ‘real world’ opportunities and experiences for our students.
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
white whale
Final day of Summer @ MOVTI! Students finished up projects and had a delicious steak lunch. See you all in August!
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
Day 3 of Summer @ MOVTI Graphic Design helped students and staff tie dyed shirts, EMT is working on skills practice, welding worked on a fire ring and running board on a Jeep and carpentry is building tv cabinets.
over 3 years ago, Misty Leithead
tie dye
tie dye
Day 2 of Summer @ MOVTI!
almost 4 years ago, Misty Leithead
Congratulations Denver Hicks for passing his certification exam. The exam from is a “Skills Guarantee” to prospective employers that the students have mastered the objectives of hardware, software, security, and troubleshooting objectives. Once again, Congratulations!
almost 4 years ago, Oscar Lopez
Denver holding certification
Summer @ MOVTI starts today!
almost 4 years ago, Misty Leithead
Computer Repair
A process that began with 100 applicants and concluded with two rounds of thorough and extensive review, the WVDE is excited to announce the recipients of the 2021-2022 Yanni Scholarships. 25 students will be awarded a $2,000.00 Albert Yanni Scholarship for the school year 2021-2022 and Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute is proud to announce our student, Kaleb Cole, was selected. Kaleb is a senior from Ritchie County High School and plans to attend college to become a software engineer.
almost 4 years ago, Misty Leithead
Kaleb Cole
New partnership between the Mid-Ohio Valley Technical Institute and WVU Parkersburg will allow students to take two WVU-P elementary ed classes, earning six hours of college credit and 40 hours of field placement. It gives students an amazing opportunity to receive hands-on experience observing and practicing teaching theories in a real classroom. Read the included article for more details of this exciting opportunity! Call MOVTI at 304-684-2464 for more information. It's not too late to register for next fall!
almost 4 years ago, Misty Leithead
news article
Please copy/paste the link below into a browser to view the 2021 National Technical Honor Society Induction ceremony.
almost 4 years ago, Misty Leithead
NTHS ceremony